Richard Clarke

March 1958, At Home In Cheltenham
Grew Up In Cheltenham, Now Lives In Ealing, London.
Date of Interview
10th August 2021
“Just wanted to let you know I’ve listened to it all the way through and I’m happy with it. Occasional sound glitches my end but seems ok.”
Richard Clarke (17th August 2021)
I have known Richard Clarke for the best part of 40 years. Considering that he was a biochemist working with one of our top universities and a senior investigator for the Inland Revenue, when ‘off duty’ we have had some crazy times together.
Richard truly came from humble beginnings – he admits his parents had very little money but did everything they could to ensure their boys received a good education.
Unbelievably, Richard was best man at his wife’s wedding! You’ll have to listen to find out why.
He tackled the epic Wainwright Challenge in the Lake District – a task he completed over a few years.
Technology dictated that we had to try three times to complete this interview but in the end we made it. Richard is a nice chap and this interview was a pleasure to record.

Interviewer: Carlo Harrison
Cataloguer: Fiona Quinton
Health – Spinal Injection | 00.35 |
Hill Walking – Wainwrights Challenge, Lake District | 02.00 |
Working Life – Biochemist – Animal Testing | 13.20 |
Inland Revenue | 18.30 |
Early Life – Irish Parents – Cheltenham | 23.40 |
Parents – Eric (Builder & Quarryman) – Ellen (Cleaner & Carer) | 27.10 |
Brothers – Gerald, Business Man (Deceased) & Denis, School Teacher | 29.50 |
Married Life – Sarah | 31.20 |
Education – School In Cheltenham Then Bradford University | 32.25 |
Childhood Holidays – One holiday To The South Coast | 37.20 |
Childhood Christmases | 38.15 |
Marriage & Honeymoon – Best Man Carlo Harrison | 40.15 |
Children – Michael (Civil Servant) – Georgina (Civil Servant) – Natalie (Sales) | 43.30 |
Working Life – Scientist – Inland Revenue Investigator | 45.25 |
Crossword Compiler | 51.20 |
Grandchildren | 53.20 |
Global Warming | 53.50 |
Music – Films – Stream Or buy – Phones – Mobile Or Landline | 56.50 |
Racism | 59.15 |
Coronavirus | 1.02.25 |
Message To The Future | 1.05.55 |
Please take into consideration when listening to these interviews that the meaning of language changes over time and that interviewees have not intended to cause offence by anything said which now may be thought to be unacceptable.
Recording this social history, chatting to different people about a whole host of subjects has been a real pleasure, such an interesting and I think worthwhile project for people to listen to both now and in years to come.
Thank you for visiting this website.
Carlo Harrison