Sarah Lunt
Born |
September 1981 at Clatterbridge Hospital on the Wirral |
Background |
Grew up on the Wirral until 2000, then Glasgow University until 2004, back to the Wirral and moved to Leeds in 2007. |
Date of Interview |
19th July 2019 |
“I give permission for my interview and pictures to be available on the Back Chat website” Sarah Lunt (4th November 2020) |
Sarah Lunt is a versatile young woman. She is very serious about her care for elderly people but also just as serious about her singing; her trip to the Amazon and the jungles of Peru and is very qualified to tell you that “you can’t walk in a straight line in the jungle!”
Add into the mix the TT Races on the Isle of Man and the Tour de Yorkshire and you start to see that this is a very interesting person indeed.
A real pleasure to interview and an enjoyable chat to listen to.
Interviewer: Carlo Harrison
Cataloguer: Fiona Quinton
Sound Engineer David Myers
AVSED Voluntary Services To The Elderly | 0.25 |
Elderly People | 08.35 |
Dementia | 18.00 |
The Wirral | 22.05 |
Family Life | 23.10 |
New Zealand | 24.20 |
Greasby Juniors | 27.35 |
Glasgow University | 29.20 |
Working Life | 32.05 |
Marie Curie / Hospice | 36.20 |
Peru | 41.30 |
The Amazon | 47.50 |
Singing – Gospel Choir, Folk | 51.15 |
TT Races, Isle Of Man | 55.50 |
Tour de Yorkshire | 1.00.05 |
Brexit | 1.01.55 |
Boris Johnson | 1.06.00 |
Message For The Future | 1.07.30 |
Please take into consideration when listening to these interviews that the meaning of language changes over time and that interviewees have not intended to cause offence by anything said which now may be thought to be unacceptable.
Recording this social history, chatting to different people about a whole host of subjects has been a real pleasure, such an interesting and I think worthwhile project for people to listen to both now and in years to come.
Thank you for visiting this website.
Carlo Harrison