Kelly Chadwick

February 1978 Harrogate.
Has lived in Harrogate until the age of 34 and now lives in Yeadon.
Date of Interview
8th July 2019
“And of course you have my permission to publish the interview and the pictures I have sent you “
Kelly Chadwick 23rd March 2022
We start this chat with Kelly Chadwick talking about her rather large house which is surrounded on three sides by Yeadon cemetery and the runway for the Leeds Bradford Airport on the fourth.
Kelly is a determined woman who didn’t let failing all her ‘A’ levels stop her ambition and she went on to become a director of a Harrogate accountancy practice.
Kelly’s two daughters seem to have inherited their mother’s love of cycling and running – Kelly was the Junior Mountain Bike Champion for the North of England and has mountain biked down the Swiss Alps which was as dangerous as you would imagine.
Kelly is a single mother of two girls and it’s interesting to hear what that involves – it’s not easy.

Interviewer: Carlo Harrison
Recording Editing: Carlo Harrison
Home Next To A Cemetery | 00.35 |
Haunted House | 05.05 |
Home At The bottom Of LBA Runway | 07.35 |
Harrogate Grammar School | 09.50 |
Jobs From School | 11.00 |
Apprenticeship In Accountancy | 12.30 |
Director At CCF Harrogate | 16.20 |
Parents: Sue (Retired College Lecturer) – Bob (Retired Gas Board Engineer) | 17.40 |
Brother Carl – Sister Desri (Australia) | 18.30 |
Richard Chadwick | 19.35 |
Granny Kath – Mayoress Of Harrogate – Alzheimer’s | 21.02 |
Granny Kath Donated Brain To Alzheimer’s – Organ Donations | 25.00 |
Schools Harrogate | 28.35 |
12-Year-Old Kelly Britton | 32.10 |
Mountain Biking With Daughters | 33.40 |
Competitive Mountain Biking – Junior Champion North Of England | 35.40 |
Mountain Biking Down The Alps | 36.50 |
School Children’s Food | 41.10 |
Government Help – Personal Financing Child Care | 42.20 |
Kelly And The Machine – Wellys Loves To Knit | 45.30 |
Brexit | 50.30 |
Next Prime Minister | 52.30 |
Prince Harry | 52.50 |
Message For future Great Great Granddaughter | 55.00 |
Please take into consideration when listening to these interviews that the meaning of language changes over time and that interviewees have not intended to cause offence by anything said which now may be thought to be unacceptable.
Recording this social history, chatting to different people about a whole host of subjects has been a real pleasure, such an interesting and I think worthwhile project for people to listen to both now and in years to come.
Thank you for visiting this website.
Carlo Harrison