Christine (Hathaway) Phillips

Born |
November 1955 at St Marys Hospital, Armley. |
Background |
Grew up and lives in Yeadon |
Date of Interview |
18th October 2019 |
“Yes of course you can use my interview and photos on the Back-Chat Website” Christine (Hathaway) Phillips – (18th March 2021) |
Christine Phillips has so much going on in her life this interview takes you in all sorts of directions.
Here’s just a taster of things we talk about – being adopted by wonderful parents and finding her birth mother many years later. Working in a petrol station when it was robbed; working in a haunted hotel; wearing her mortgage payment (fur coat); Pauline’s Dance School in Yeadon; karate in Greenacre Hall in Rawdon; Crag Wood Church; Catholicism and being a veterinary nurse.
Hear how Christine manages the complex condition of fibromyalgia – she is a strong lady!
She tells us why she voted to leave Europe and her views on Brexit. This interview is full of entertainment and life.

Interviewer: Carlo Harrison
Cataloguer: Fiona Quinton
Sound Engineer David Myers
Family Life – Adoption | 01.25 |
Adopted Parents – Charles & Ann Hathaway | 10.35 |
Boysie Youth Club | 11.20 |
Horsforth Youth Club – Charles Hathaway | 14.35 |
Pauline – Dance School | 16.00 |
Karate – Greenacre Hall | 17.15 |
Crag Wood Church | 20.15 |
Catholicism | 22.35 |
Early Married life | 24.00 |
Fur Coats | 25.45 |
South View School | 28.25 |
St Peter & Pauls School | 32.05 |
Early Life | 35.20 |
Office Junior Green Lane Dyeworks | 38.10 |
Ghosts | 44.55 |
Robbery – Petrol Station | 46.40 |
Working Life – Vet Nurse | 50.40 |
Calligraphy – Rock Painting – Walking | 51.30 |
Health Issues – Fibromyalgia | 55.40 |
Brexit | 1.02.10 |
Please take into consideration when listening to these interviews that the meaning of language changes over time and that interviewees have not intended to cause offence by anything said which now may be thought to be unacceptable.
Recording this social history, chatting to different people about a whole host of subjects has been a real pleasure, such an interesting and I think worthwhile project for people to listen to both now and in years to come.
Thank you for visiting this website.
Carlo Harrison