Arnie McCann

Born |
November 1926 in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire |
Background |
Grew up in Mansfield and Yeadon where Arnie lives now |
Date of Interview |
22nd March 2019 |
I give my permission for you to use my photographs and interview we did last year.” Arnold McCann |
Arnie McCann born in 1926, is as lively a 93 year old as you are ever going to find. At the time of writing, Arnie is on an 8 week holiday in Andalucia with his daughter and her husband. Music is what flows through Arnies veins – he has been a musician since he was a school boy, and played in Yeadon Old Band as well as attending the Royal Military School of Music when in the forces. He has played on stage and television. When playing at Yeadon Airport he had Amy Johnson walk over to listen to the band playing. He has worked at the mill as a boy and a man but has never lost his love of playing music. A full life story!

Interviewer: Carlo Harrison
Cataloguer: Fiona Quinton
Sound Engineer David Myers
WW1 | 2.16 |
General Strike | 05.08 |
South View School | 06.18 |
Performing On Stage, Mansfield | 08.00 |
Yeadon Old Band | 10.16 |
Trades Hall | 11.34 |
Salvation Army Hall | 12.12 |
James Ives | 12.53 |
WW2 Royal Navy | 15.27 |
Kenneth Ives | 16.40 |
Army Musician | 24.10 |
Bernard McGill | 25.10 |
Cartwrights, Rawdon | 26.40 |
Hussars Band | 30.40 |
Royal Military School of Music London | 32.40 |
Max Moore Quartet | 36.45 |
Jean Shepherd Wedding | 39.00 |
Geoffrey Knowles | 46.06 |
Silver Cross, Guiseley | 52.40 |
Bandstand, Yeadon Tarn (Dam) | 55.30 |
Amy Johnstone | 56.30 |
Yeadon Tarn (Dam) | 57.00 |
Please take into consideration when listening to these interviews that the meaning of language changes over time and that interviewees have not intended to cause offence by anything said which now may be thought to be unacceptable.
Recording this social history, chatting to different people about a whole host of subjects has been a real pleasure, such an interesting and I think worthwhile project for people to listen to both now and in years to come.
Thank you for visiting this website.
Carlo Harrison